Fachschaft Statistik

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The orientation phase is aimed at first-year Bachelor students, for whom we want to provide the best possible start to their studies.

Note: you won’t need to attend any pre-course for your studies, the knowledge you got with your A-levels will be sufficient. The offers for pre-courses aren’t related to our institute.


The registration form can be found hereFurther information about the locations and the schedule will follow via Mail after your registration.

Everything will be organized by the Fachschaft Statistik & Data Science. The O-Phase will be held in German only. Questions can be asked in English.

The orientation week for the winter semester 2024/25 will take place from 8th of October till 11th of October. The following activities are planned:

Evening: Casual get-together in the Brauhaus starting from 8pm.

Morning/Noon: important information and tips by the student council relating to your studies at LMU and our Statistics department.
Afternoon: Kastenlauf - Tour around the campus, further information about the registration will follow.

Morning: Official introduction to studying statistics by the professors at 10am
Noon: Campus tour in small groups and lunch in the cafeteria.
Evening: Pub night - get to know each other in one of Munich’s Bars

Morning/ Noon: Social Run - get to know each other while going for a run in the English garden!
Noon: Official introduction to statistics as a minor (not for students who’s major is statistics).

Note: It is sufficient for the statistics lectures timetable creation, course registration, exam registration etc. to be done after the O-Phase. Different regulations may apply when entering higher semesters (not standard) and especially for your minor subject! Please inform yourself in time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the student council (statistik@fachschaften.uni-muenchen.de).


Every semester, a small introductory event is held for first-year Master students. At this event, various representatives of the institute and the student council introduce themselves. Afterwards, the student council organizes a small get-to-know-you session so that you can get to know your new fellow students a little better.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the student council.

Minor Statistics

For minor students we organize an event, where persons from the institute introduce basic principles at our institue and give you an overview over your upcoming curriculum.