Fachschaft Statistik

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Old exams

Important Notice:

Starting from winter semester 23/24, a new regulation for old exams is applied after discussion with the institute.

For all courses provided by the institute for statistics, the lecturer is expected to provide students with reasonable material for exam preparation. This includes mock exam, old exam, and practical explanation on the format and/or composition of the final exam.

If the lecturer fails to provide any of those materials on time, the student should first contact the lecturer.

If the lecturer then refuses to provide any of those, the student should contact the student council. Under this circumstance, the following, in most cases out-dated rules and information apply:

Out-dated Information Below:

For many modules, we have previous exams for preparation.

General notes:

For modules, for which we do not receive exams/memory transcripts from you, we have no or only very old exams!
In order to improve our stock, you can always give us exams or send them by mail to statistik-altklausuren@fs.lmu.de.
We generally do not have solutions!
Please send us your requests early (i.e. before the learning phase) and bundled! This could make our work much easier.

Note for statistics majors:

"Analysis I" and "Linear Algebra" are available at GAF (also have a look at the computer science section), because they are teaching activities provided by another institute.

Note for statistics minor students:

"Statistics I and II for minor students": Owned by the sociology department
"Statistics III and IV for Minor Students": Unfortunately we have never received legacy exams for these
"Mathematical Foundations, Deepening and Complementation": Unfortunately, we have never received old exams for this course

Note for other (non-statistics) students:

We are responsible for statistics courses, but not for any lectures with "statistics" in the title. We do not have corresponding old exams. Please contact the student council of the subject for which the lecture is offered.

You can get old clauses (after reading the hints!) by sending an informal email to

from your "...@campus.lmu.de" email address,
with the corresponding title of the lecture to statistik-altklausuren@fs.lmu.de.